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Frequently Asked Questions

Should I attend the Memorial Service?

Yes! The Memorial Service is open to everyone. We encourage anyone within the law enforcement community to attend this important event. An estimated 40,000 people attended each year!

How much does the Memorial Service cost?

There is absolutely no charge for attending the Memorial Service.

How can I find a reasonably priced hotel for my stay in the Washington area?

The Police Week committee has contracted with Planit Meetings to provide discounted rates on hotel rooms for Police Week attendees. Visit their web site to check availability and make reservation.

What should I wear to the Memorial Service?

Law enforcement attendees are encouraged to attend in dress uniform. For all other attendees, we suggest wearing business attire. If you are in plain clothes and have a "raid badge", we suggest that you wear your badge exposed with a black memorial band across it. Please keep in mind the prevailing weather conditions – it can be very hot that time of year. Water is provided; however, we suggest that you consider bringing an umbrella and sun screen.

What is the best way to get to the Memorial Service?

Metro! The closest Metro stop is Capitol South, which is one block away. Capitol South is located on the Orange/Blue Lines. There is no street parking anywhere near the Capitol, so please don't attempt to drive to the event. Due to security restrictions at the Capitol, we ask that everyone arrives at least one hour early.

What are the rules concerning weapons?

The security at the event is handled by the Secret Service and the Capitol Police. All attendees will be required to go through metal detectors before entering the grounds of the Capitol. If you do not need your weapon, we suggest you leave it at home. Law enforcement officers with weapons MUST have valid photo IDs. Non-law enforcement attendees are prohibited from bringing weapons.

How long is the Memorial Service?

The Memorial Service is expected to run approximately two hours.

Are there any events planned after the Memorial Service?

National Police Week draws in between 25,000 to 40,000 attendees. The attendees come from departments throughout the United States as well as from agencies throughout the world. This provides a unique opportunity to meet others who work in law enforcement. In that spirit, the Fraternal Order of Police DC Lodge #1 sponsors receptions each afternoon and evening during Police Week. These events are open to all law enforcement personnel and are an experience unlike any other.

DC Map  |  Metro Map

Should I fly the flag at half staff on May 15?

Yes. The United States Flag may be flown at half staff by Presidential Proclamation or by the state's governor. By statue, the President is required each year to issue a proclamation requiring government buildings to half staff the flag and invite all the people of the U.S. to do so as well, on May 15, Peace Officer's Memorial Day.

What if I am a Uniform Motor Officer coming to the event?

If you are a Uniform Motor Officer please visit the Information for Participants page for more information.

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